Custom Built Websites

Web design process.

Whether we construct your brand from scratch or refine and enhance your existing identity, we don't shy away from the challenge. Swift sets ambitious goals and continually strives for excellence.Perhaps we'll initiate the process with a workshop. Subsequently, we'll craft your unique tone of voice and provide comprehensive visual and formatting guidelines, actively involving and engaging with your team throughout. This marks the starting point of it all.

Discovery Session

Our team will convene for a collaborative session to ensure that your brand receives a thorough analysis. Following this we outline a site map and identify the necessary content for your entire website.

Wireframe & Design

During the next stage we explore user behaviour including preferences, aspirations and challenges. This leads to the creation of straightforward page designs as we define the user interface and develop visuals tailored for web, mobile and content-focused applications.

Coding & Develop

This is where things get technical... We will oversee the entire custom website development process based on our wireframes, ensuring meticulous attention to detail. Through ongoing reviews, we'll continuously refine the site until it is perfected.

Test & Launch

Finally, we thoroughly test the site across all modern browsers, ensuring that we identify and resolve any bugs, glitches or user concerns. You will personally approve the final version before launch. Additionally, we provide training for ongoing management as part of the launch process.

Excellent service. Absolutely over the moon with the final product provided by Swift. Highly recommend.

Jack Theaker
Owner, JT Carpentry